An Ode to M.
If you know me intimately, you know I struggle with intimacy.
I am still unsure who, or what, to blame for this very-Gary dysfunction - though I have some hunches. Repressing the queer and non cisgendered parts of myself while growing up no doubt did its damage. Physical touch, especially in public, terrified me as a kid. I used to go to mass (Catholic) with my mom and sit there for the first half hour in dread waiting for the moment when I’d have to offer random parishioners around me “signs of peace” by shaking their hands. I remember being delighted when the swine flu outbreak motivated a handshake ban in church and everyone would just awkwardly smile at or bow to one another.
And school dances were absolute nightmares.
An aversion to touch as a kid, I think, was a symptom of my general fear of intimacy. This ain’t no psychiatric mystery; in order to kill certain feelings I had...